October 26 (at Town Hall) Meeting: Lafyette Crouch

October 26 (Town Hall) Meeting: Speaker will be Lafyette Crouch speaking on care of our machines.

This month’s meeting will be at our usual meeting place, Waverly Hall Town Hall. It will be at our normal time with doors opening between 9:30 & 10:00am with our meeting starting promptly at 10:30. Remember ticket sales for birthday baskets & raffle as well as free and sale tables will be closed off at 10:30 so arrive early to sign in, buy tickets and get a seat. If you need to be late, welcome–we ask that you please sign in at the table to let us know you did participate and quietly find a seat so that all may enjoy the presentation.

This month we will be hosting Mr. Lafayette Crouch from Crouch’s Sewing Machine Repair & Sales. He will be talking about care of our precious machines and trouble shooting ideas. Mr. Crouch has graciously offered to bring along any supplies or parts that he carries, such as belts, oil/grease, replacement parts, etc., that our members may need. Please post here what you need and we will get the message to him for him to bring it that day!! How convenient! If you need to inquire about a price his cell number is 706 366-5579. You may also wish to bring machines that need his expertise or his personal attention so that he can take them with him that day for maintenance. Again check with him for pricing on professional machine maintenance.

If you were participating in the WIP program and texted your photo of your finished project for WIP #1 you can collect your $5 payback at the meeting (see VickyG). Since our September meeting was cancelled we will still honor any WIP #1 completed and brought to the October meeting (again see Vicky G). Our next and last WIP of the year is WIP # 2 which will be due at the November meeting.
We would like to invite everyone to participate in our belated anniversary party immediately following the meeting’s end at 12:30 down the hall from the auditorium in the kitchen area of the Waverly Hall Town Hall with some snacks and prizes. If you used the fabric from the March 30th meeting “Fold it, Snip it, Rip it” in any project be sure to bring those projects for entry into a prize winning contest.

Please note that membership dues were due at our September meeting. It is important that you are prepared to pay your dues at the October meeting if you have not already done so in order for us to have a current list of members for our November “Quick Last Minute Gift” demonstration and our December Christmas party. Membership fees are $35 per person, $30 for those 70+.

Lastly, anyone that is planning to present for the November demonstrations make sure you have contacted Karen Moore. If you need copies of directions or patterns for your presentation please bring the master to the October meeting and give it to Linda Brown and she will make the copies and have them ready for you at the November meeting.
Can’t wait to see everyone again. Happy Sewing!

DISCLAIMER: Although we meet on Waverly Hall Town Hall properties, please note our meetings, events, fundraising or any SSQG activities are not sponsored or sanctioned by the Town of Waverly Hall Georgia. We do, however, appreciate the usage of their facilities.