November 30 – Quick Makes Gifts Demos

**The Nov, & Dec 2024 meetings will be held at the Bobby Loman Center (the gymnasium).

November 30
Note that we will be meeting at the BOBBY LOWMAN CENTER (the gymnasium) this month! Our meeting will be held at our regular time from 10:30am-12:30pm. Make sure you read all the notes below so you will be able to enjoy all this month’s meeting has to offer as well as catch the updates for the upcoming December Christmas Party.
  • This month’s meeting will be our annual ‘Quick Make Gift’ demo’s. Tables will be set up with a number of individuals presenting a variety of make it quick xmas gifts. Tables and chairs will need to be set up prior to the meeting start time. Anyone that is able to help set up a few tables and put out chairs, your help would be very appreciated around 9:30am Saturday morning.
  • We also plan to have our contest this Saturday for the “Snip It, Rip It, Pass It” fabric from earlier this year. If you made anything out of your fabric from that meeting event bring it to display and you may win a prize!
  • We will have our usual updates beginning promptly at 10:30am so if you would like to buy raffle tickets or socialize a bit please arrive 30-45 minutes early.
  • We WILL have our birthday basket raffles this month and we have some very pretty things for raffle as well as filled baskets so birthday girls for November and December bring your baskets!
  • Don’t forget your November BOM’s (Block of the Months). Links for the blocks for November and December are posted here. We are asking that you download the December block this month as well and bring that block and any others you may have to the December party so the BOM team can begin to assemble them into the two to be given away in our 2025 raffle.
  • Our last WIP is #2 and will be due this Saturday. If you have completed this WIP please forward a photo or bring your project for Vicky G. Please be sure to see her to reclaim your WIP money. It’s important YOU make sure to make contact that day as all unclaimed funds will be calculated and names will be logged for the big cash give-a-ways at the December party!
  • Spaces for the Barn Quilt Painting classes are still open for January 11 & 18, 2025. If you are interested see Linda B for a form this Saturday. Spaces will be open to the public after this meeting. Both dates will be at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Ellerslie.
  • A reminder that more than half our members have not signed release forms for photo releases for social and other media. It is not required you sign but we ask that you initial the form saying you decline in order to keep track of members’ wishes. Without a signed form photos cannot be posted to any site or printed in our local newspaper. Vicky G. will have a form with each member’s name, please see her Saturday to either sign permission, or initial denial of photo sharing.
DISCLAIMER: Although we meet on Waverly Hall Town Hall properties, please note our meetings, events, fundraising or any SSQG activities are not sponsored or sanctioned by the Town of Waverly Hall Georgia. We do, however, appreciate the usage of their facilities.