Minutes of the SEWrority Sisters Quilting Guild – January 27, 2024
Linda Brown, President called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m.
Welcome Committee member, welcomed visitors, Debbie Munroe, Deborah Thomazin, Sadie Fields, Ann Cook, and Donna Jarrett.
Gail McClain, Membership Chair, pinned new members Dorothy Berlinki and Pat Matretta
Gail McClain, door prize drawing
LeeAnn Scogin, WIP Chair, New round will begins this month. WIP #5 id due to be completed by March meeting.
Sueann Lawson, BOM Chair, gave an update. More than 121 blocks were completed in 2023. The committee will be choosing the blocks to be used for the quilt to be auctioned in May.
Cathy Poyner, Retreat Committee chair, gave an update on the Retreat. 23 are currently signed up for the April 1-5 retreat at the FFA in Covington, GA. The committee is soliciting donations for the retreat goodie bags and door prizes. Donations should be in quantities of 32 and needed by the March meeting. Cathy announced that the GALA quilt guild will have quilt display at Pioneer Days in Ft. Mitchell, AL 10 A.M. – 3 P.M. The GALA quilt guild is seeking quilts to be displayed- check their website for details galaquiltguild.com. April retreat balance due February 24, 2024.
Karen Moore, Program Chair introduced the BING program for today. Winners of the prize baskets were Kim O’Donnell, Becky Land, Brenda Bannister, and Rissa Merritt.
Brenda Bannister, Community Service Chair discussed the community service projects for the 2024 year. The organizations are House of Heroes and Muscogee and Harris County Defax services. We will have Sew days at Cornerstone Baptist on March 9th, June 8th, and August 10th from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. Linda Brown is taking five quilts to Maui for victims of the fires.
Debbie Sutton, Fundraising Chair, drawing awarded to Betsy Culverson
New Business- Shop Hop to be second weekend in February- get with Gail McClain if interested. The Quilt Expo will be in Atlanta March 6-9th talk with Gail McClain or Linda Brown if interested. Quilt Con is in Raleigh, North Carolina February 22nd.
Mark Shreve American Legion representative informed members that there are more American Legion posts than McDonalds. Encouraged attendees to Be the One a program designed to help save the life of a veterans contemplating suicide.
We have a committee working to find us a new facility to meet at each month. Members will be made aware of new location prior to next meeting.
Karen Friberg, Sunshine Chair, announced we will be drawing for December and January Birthday baskets a total of sixteen in all! This is a record number of birthdays.
Show and Tell: Please forgive me if I missed someone.
Robin S.- QOV quilt for son
Janet T- guilty quilt design strip quilt and heart quilt
Karen D.- House quilt and winter scene
Sadie F. – teal and navy quilt
Kay Huntsman – QOV quilt
Francis M.- duffle bag &
Denise Wilson- purse & QOV like quilt
Karen Moore- snowman quilt
Carla Stickles- Postcard quilt
Becky Land- Dachshund quilt & Snow man quilt
Gail McLain- Bright quilt
Kim Watson- layer cake Valentine applique quilt
Betsy Holderson- Aqua quilt her first quilt & dinosaur quilt
Linda Hayes- Merry Christmas banner
Judy Scott- Big lot two pattern
Susie Jones- quilt of many colors
Jill Raines- grandmothers quilt and commercial quilts repaired.
Julie A.- Beautiful quilt
Lisa Romans- Dog collage raw edge banner
Cathy P.- bag made by a friend of the GALA guild member.
Vicky G.- Mystery quilt-Viking ship quilt
Ginny V. – Christmas quilt
Deanna J.- double sided hand quilted quilt
The meeting was adjourned by Linda Brown.