Minutes of the SEWrority Sisters Quilting Guild – February 24, 2024
Linda Brown, President called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m.
Welcome Committee chair Luana Enloe – welcomed visitors, Jan Watson, Shannon Hobbs and Lana Shephard
Gail McClain, Membership Chair, pinned new members Shannon Hobbs
Gail McClain, door prize drawing
Leann Scroggins, WIP chairperson WIP #5 is due to be completed by March meeting.
Sueann Lawson, BOM Chair, gave an update. More than 121 blocks were completed in 2023. These blocks will make two quilts one for the raffle and another for a QOV recipient.
Cathy Poyner, Retreat Committee chair, gave an update on the Retreat. Tenty-three participants are currently signed up for the April 1-5 retreat at the FFA in Covington, GA. Cathy announced that the GALA quilt guild will have quilt display at Pioneer Days in Ft. Mitchell, AL 10 A.M. – 3 P.M. The GALA quilt guild is seeking quilts to be displayed- check their website for details galaquiltguild.com
Karen Moore, Program Chair introduced the speaker for today Suzi Poyner of Barn quilts for zoom presentation. Check her out at barnquiltsinfo.com.
Anita Rodger program chairperson– announced the program for March will be “Snip and Rip” each participant should bring 1 yard of batik and I yard of quilters cotton fabric and scissors for this program. You can preview the program on YouTube @ heirloom creations.com
Brenda Bannister, Community Service Chair discussed the community service projects for the 2024 year. Our first project will be to make quilts for the Waverly Hall police cars to have for victims. Then the House of Heroes and Muscogee and Harris County Defax services will receive quilts made at the Community Service sew days. We will have Sew days at Cornerstone Baptist on April 6th, June 8th, and August 10th from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.
Debbie Sutton, Fundraising Chair, drawing awarded to Amber Bannister
Show and Tell:
Kay- QOV quilt
Becky- mini quilt
Cathy Poyner- All its glory quilt, barn quilt-HWY 36 quilt trail
Jill Raines- Bookish quilt
Betty Ray- middle Georgia shop hop quilt
Amber Bannister- Dog quilt and Valentine table runner
Janet T. -Alaska quilt- monthly church group
Karen Moore- Valentines table topper, confetti hearts quilt
Kim Wiggins- quilts for twins
Kathy Bannister- teal quilt, applique flower quilt
Birthday baskets:
Jynell Osborne – fabric basket won by Linda Bannister
Judy Scott’s – St. Patrick’s basket won by Becky
Becky Hooper – pink basket won by Jynell Osborne
Anita Rodger – Spa basket won by Betsy Hulderson
Carol Bradshaw – rope basket Linda Brown
Athena Hart – candy and scissor basket Glenda Shephard
The meeting was adjourned by Linda Brown.