August 26, 2023
Minutes of SEWrority Quilting Guild
Prior to the meeting, members visited display tables for the following items: ticket purchase for raffles, free table, t-shirt sales, retreat registration, BOM pick up & drop off, QOV block drop off, and for sale table.
- As each member signed in, Mary Stevens gave an officer ballot and checked their name off the roster.
- The meeting was called to order by President, Gail McLain at 10:45 a.m. 47 people were in attendance.
- Brenda Bannister introduced visitors. Visitors were: Audrey Bergeron, Carol Bradshaw, and Pat Misretta. Brenda went over the new visitor guidelines that will take effect October 1, 2023: Visitors are welcomed at any meeting. The first visit is free of charge, however, subsequent visits will cost $5 per visit.
- Brenda Bannister conducted the door prize drawing which was won by Julie Arsenault. The door-prize was a pattern notebook and Diane Knott donated patterns for the prize.
- Guest Speaker, Diane Knott of Butterfly Threads, presented a trunk show of beautiful quilts she had made and encourage everyone to use style, contrast, repetition, and pattern when creating quilts. She had many of her patterns for sale after the presentation. She and her husband were open for Q & A after the presentation.
- A 15 minute break was given for sales, questions, and restroom breaks. Members were reminded to turn in their completed ballots for officers.
- Eleven members participated in Show & Tell showing throws, beautiful quilts, and bags. Pictures will be posted on FB page.
- Lu Enloe conducted the monthly raffle drawing. Sandy Dryman won LOTS of Martelli templates!
- Lu Enloe and Debbie Sutton conducted the birthday basket drawings:
- Brenda Bannister won Karen Friberg’s birthday basket
- Brenda Bannister won Lee Shattuck’s birthday basket
- Kathy Bannister won Denise Fortson’s birthday basket
- Melissa House won Kim Wiggins’ birthday basket
- Ann Bannister won Lu Enloe’s birthday basket
- Lee Ann Scogins gave a WIP update. Project #3 is due at the September meeting. There are currently 14-16 members participating in the WIP program.
- Janet Calvert gave an update on the Quilt of Valor team. The team has grown exponentially and quilts are being made. We will have 2 presentations at the September 2023 meeting.
- Linda Brown reminded membership that the last Quilt Til You Wilt mini retreat is coming and that today was the last day to register. We currently have all 32 spots filled. The dates of the mini retreat are Sept. 7-9 at Cornerstone Baptist Church, Ellerslie, GA. New hours are Thursday & Friday 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Linda Brown gave an update for the April 1-5, 2024 Annual Retreat at the Georgia FFA-FCCLA Center in Covington, GA. We currently have 17 quilters signed up to attend. She reminded the participants that the last month to sign up is February 2024 and that all funds are then due. Payments may be made until that time.
- Julie Arsenault gave an update on the Community Service Committee: At the last Sew to Serve Day, there were 23 in attendance and 27 quilts were completed. We now have 58 quilts and 50 hats for the NICU at our local hospital. Several people have taken home quilt kits to complete and return. After the next delivery, we will have made over 100 quilts and over 120 hats for the NICU.
- BOM update was given by Gail McLain. The pattern for the BOMs are available at the BOM turn in table and on our website.
- President, Gail McLain, called for a vote to accept the proposed changes to SSQG by-laws. Motion was made by Linda Brown and seconded by Lu Enloe. A call for verbal yea votes was made. There were no dissenting votes. The by-laws changes passed unanimously. The changes will take effect October 1, 2024.
- Karen Moore gave an overview of upcoming programs:
- September Program: Installation of new officers, 2 presentations of Quilt of Valor, and our 2nd Anniversary celebration. Members are asked to bring finger foods to share.
- October Program: Christmas Decorations/Ornaments you can make. Please give ideas to Karen Moore to be included in program.
- November Program: Round Robin of Last Minute gift demonstrations. Please give ideas to Karen Moore to be included in program.
- December Program: NO MEETING – Christmas Party at VFW on Dec. 9th 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. More details will be forthcoming.
- Nominating Committee Chair, Mary Stevens and Syble Bailey counted ballots. Mary presented the results of the Officer Election:
- President: Linda Brown
- Vice President: Vicky Galczynski
- Secretary: Kim Wiggins
- Treasurer: Julie Arsenault
Other Reminders:
Online Membership:
- CTRN online directory app
- Code for our guild is SEWRORITYSISTERS
- User name: first&last name all together e. suesmith
- Password: birthdate month/date (4 digits) followed by your 2 initials
SSQG has a new Facebook Chat room. Only members are allowed to join. It is a way we can connect with each other and share information, tips, and encouragement. Please abide by the rules of common courtesy and kindness.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:47 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Linda Brown
8/27/2023 7:52 p.m.