Minutes of the SEWrority Sisters Quilting Guild – April 27, 2024
Linda Brown, President called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m.
Linda Brown, president reviewed announcements.
- Silent Auction is Saturday May 25, 2024, 10:30 a.m. at Bobby Lowman Rec Center, 390 O’Neal Street Waverly Hall, GA
- Set up May 24th from 2p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Bring finger foods with utensils.
Welcome Committee chair Lu Enloe – welcomed visitors- Shelby C., Vicky Donnovan and Norma. Lu would like each member to donate one fat quarter in a basket at the membership sign in for the Month of June to be placed in the visitor’s gift bags.
Gail McLain, Membership Chair, announced 39 members present today and guild membership has grown to 77 members.
Gail McLain, door prize drawing winner Athena Hart.
Vicky Galczynski, announced #3 WIP is due to be completed by May meeting. Find Vicki at next meeting and show her proof of WIP # 3 completion and she will give you the $5.
Vicky Galczynski, announced Raffle information for ticket sales each baggie has 24 tickets assigned to you do not share or swap tickets. Quit raffle drawing June 29th.
Sueann Lawson, BOM Chair, gave an update that 21 BOM completed thus far this year.
Linda Brown, QOV announcement, Three QOV quilts will be awarded to Vietnam Veterans tonight.
Cathy Poyner, Retreat committee chair, announced the October 28-31st quilt retreat we have 12 people signed up already. Spring Retreat May 14-18, 2025.
Brenda Bannister, Community Service Chair : We will have Sew days at Cornerstone Baptist on June 8th for Harris Co. Defax quilts and August 10th for House of Heroes quilts, 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.
Show and Tell will be limited to one item per person due to high volume of members:
- Michelle M.- community service stitch in the ditch pillow.
- Suanne L.- Mary Poppins bag.
- Tracie M.- selvage tote bag for project boxes, she is making the pattern with zipper top.
- Janet Thomas- mystery quilt.
- Vicky G.- quilt as you go placemats.
- Karen M.-birdhouse quilt.
- Janet Calvert- Crumb quilt made form 15 years of quilting projects.
- Vicky D.- Christmas quilt
- Linda Brown- on point quilt
- Susan W.- back pack, Peek-a-boo-star student back pack pattern
Fundraising committee, chairperson Debbie Sutton: Announced the winner for the monthly drawing- Becky Land- books and fabric.
Birthday baskets:
Cathy Poyner- blue basketwith fabric, notions and book won by Becky Land
Linda M.-ruler, fabric, tape measure and chocolate won by Brenda B.
Sadie- fabric and patterns won by Cathy P.
Karen Moore, chairperson for program.
Introduced Janice Pope- How fabric is made.
Scott Forunoff of Jaftex fabric Burlington, N.C.
Showed quilts, sold fabric, and gave each attendees fat quarter.
The meeting was adjourned by Linda Brown.