June 24, 2023
Minutes of SEWrority Quilting Guild
Prior to the meeting, members visited display tables for the following items: ticket purchase for raffles, free table, t-shirt sales, retreat registration, BOM pick up & drop off, QOV block drop off, and for sale table.
- The meeting was called to order by President, Gail McLain at 10:49 a.m.
- Brenda Bannister introduced visitors. Visitors were: Gail Hartman, Diane Martin, Suzanne Waite, Helen Gamuse, and Kari Schelp. New Members receiving pins and recognition were: Linda Moore, Debbie Blackwood, Rita Means, Amber Bannister, Kim Watson, Kathy Bannister, and Donna Holcomb (Donna has not yet been pinned.)
- Brenda Bannister conducted the door prize drawing which was won by Leigh Shattuck. Leigh won a rotary cutting machine for cutting binding.
- Brenda Bannister gave a plea for people to sign up for committees. She said that the committees would be discussed at the next meeting so everyone could plug in with their time and talents.
- Guest Speaker, Tabby Champion, gave a very informative presentation on basic machine maintenance. She answered all questions and gave valuable advice on how to care for your machine.
- A 15 minute break was given for sales, questions, and restroom breaks.
- Seven members participated in Show & Tell showing throws, beautiful quilts, wall hangings, and table runners. Pictures will be posted on FB page.
- Lu Enloe conducted the monthly raffle drawing. Julie Arsenault won!
- Gail McLain and Lu Enloe assisted with the birthday basket drawings:
- Cathy Poyner won Karen Morgan’s birthday basket
- Brenda Bannister won Julie Arsenault’s birthday basket
- Linda Brown won Lisa Roman’s birthday basket
- Kathy Bannister won Carla Stickle’s birthday basket
- Cathy Poyner won Mary Bray’s birthday basket
- Karen Morgan won Janet Calvert’s birthday basket
- Kathy Bannister won Ann Bannister’s birthday basket
- Lee Ann Scogins gave a WIP update. Project #1 is due at the July meeting. There are currently 14-16 members participating in the WIP program.
- Karen Moore gave an overview of upcoming programs:
- May Quilt Raffle raised over $2800.00
- July Program: Interrogating Your Quilt by Tammy Silvers of tamarinis.com
- August Program: Lecture with Trunk Show by Diane Knott of butterflythreadsquilting.com
- September Program: Installation of new officers and our 2nd Anniversary celebration
- October Program: Christmas Decorations/Ornaments you can make. Give ideas to Karen Moore to be included in program.
- November Program: Round Robin of Last Minute gift demonstrations
- December Program: NO MEETING – Christmas Party at VFW on Dec. 9th
- In Robyn Shreve’s absence, Cathy Poyner gave a brief overview of Quilts of Valor. We currently have 19 block kits available. We have 3 upcoming presentations and 6 quilts available for presentation. We are in need of long armers to quilt these quilts. Cathy spoke of her uncle who had passed away recently and had been a QOV recipient. She spoke of how much the quilt meant to him and his family. If anyone would like to donate to QOV, go to QOVF.ORG and make donations there.
- Cathy Poyner gave a brief overview of the annual retreat and announced the dates of next year’s annual retreat (April 1-5, 2024). She said there is a $50 deposit and each member can make monthly payments throughout the year. Retreat must be paid in full by February 2024 SSQG meeting. We currently have 15 people signed up to go.
- Linda Brown gave an update about the Quilt-Til-You-Wilt mini retreat. Participants need to register for the mini retreat. Forms were made available and registration will be open to all members through August 26th The dates of the mini retreat are Sept. 7-9 at Cornerstone Baptist Church, Ellerslie, GA. New hours are Thursday & Friday 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Julie Arsenault gave an update on Community Service. The sew days and kits for NICU quilts have been very successful. We presented 50 quilts, 65 hats, and 7 crochet blankets to the NICU. All kits that have been picked up are due back at the July meeting completed. The required size for NICU quilts is 24×36 inches. She also said that they have collected over 80 crocheted hats for the NICU. The next Community Service sew day is 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. August 19 at Cornerstone Baptist. Julie will be teaching how to do wrap binding with mitered corners for the quilts made on the sew day.
- Suanne Lawson gave an update on Blocks of the Month and said that participation is much higher this year! Special recognition was given to Cathy Poyner and Vicky Galczynski for turning in the paper pieced blocks.
- Vicky Galczynski gave an overview of quilt raffle and announced that the winning ticket was sold by Charlene Mehlenbach and Linda Brown sold over 800 tickets. Each will receive a gift certificate to Sunday’s Best Quilt Shop in Ellerslie.
- Gail McLain gave an over view of upcoming events:
- July 22nd – Presentation of Slate of Officers, Nominations from the floor & Proposed Amendments to By-laws.
- August 19th – Community Service Sew & Serve Day
- August 26th – Election of Officers by secret ballot. Discussion & Vote on Amendment to By-Laws.
- Online Membership directions were given:
- CTRN online directory app
- Code for our guild is SEWRORITYSISTERS
- User name: first&last name all together e. suesmith
- Password: birthdate month/date (4 digits) followed by your 2 initials
- SSQG has a new Facebook Chat room. Only members are allowed to join. It is a way we can connect with each other and share information, tips, and encouragement. Please abide by the rules of common courtesy and kindness.
- The VFW could possibly serve lunch on SSQG meeting days. It would require 15-20 people to participate in order to make it feasible. Karen Moore will be sharing a modified menu of items that would be available after our meetings at the next meeting.
- Meeting was adjourned at 12:42 p.m.
- Minutes respectfully submitted by Linda Brown
6/27/2023 7:01 p.m.